English as a Second Language (ESL)
Dilley ISD currently offers English as a Second Language (EL) to students in Grades K-12 who speak or hear a language other than English in their home and who have difficulty in English. ESL is intensive English language instruction provided by teachers in our district trained in recognizing and working with language differences.
Our EL program provides intensive instruction in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehending English. Our EL teachers use the academic and cultural experience of the student as a platform to provide the appropriate instruction in English. The program teaches language arts, mathematics, science and social studies using strategies and methodologies appropriate for second language acquisition.
The purpose of our EL program is to help students develop competence in English. It also helps prepare students to be successful in all academic subjects.
For additional information regarding the EL program, please refer to the following links:
ESL PROGRAM-Parent Rights-Spanish Version
TELPAS FAQs for Parents-English Version
TELPAS FAQs for Parents-Spanish Version
TELPAS PROGRAM Parent Tips-English Version
TELPAS PROGRAM Parent Tips-Spanish Version
T3 Series: Enhancing Educational Supports for EB students Parent EVENT (English)
T3 Series: Enhancing Educational Supports for EB students Parent EVENT (Spanish)
T3 Series: Empowering Families through Helpful Resources Family Event (Spanish)
T3 Series: Empowering Families through Helpful Resources Family Event (English)
TEA Launches Texas English Language Learners Portal
TEA is happy to launch the Texas English Language Learners Portal at the following website address: txel.org The portal is funded as part of a Limited English Proficient (LEP) Student Success Initiative Grant.
The goal of this web portal is to provide resources and other tools and training materials that are designed to support educators serving English language learners. The web portal provides educators and parents the opportunities to access the following:
Web based professional development
Information on Assessment
State Requirements and Initiatives
Differentiated classroom video segments
Best Practices for English Language Learners
Other TEA Sponsored Resources