We are currently completing a Special Education Cyclical Review for the Texas Education Agency. One of the requirements is that we have families with Special Education children in our school district complete a survey. The link for this survey is found in the attachment. You will be required to select our region center which is ESC 20 in San Antonio and you will also be asked to select the district (Dilley ISD 082-902). If you have any questions, please contact Melody Carroll at 830-965-1912 Ext. 4013. Complete this survey as soon as possible. Thanks!
Good Afternoon,
The Division of Review and Support at the Texas Education Agency (TEA) strives to improve special education services for Texas local education agencies (LEAs). The monitoring process is intended to help school districts continuously improve services and facilitate positive student outcomes. As a stakeholder involved in special education, your feedback is important to inform our process development.
State monitoring activities include investigating, reporting and correcting federal or state non- compliance of special education policies and procedures. Monitoring activities may include a district self-assessment, an on-site visit or other activities by the TEA.
Your district participated the special education the Differentiated Monitoring and Support process. Please provide feedback through this 10-20-minute survey. This information is vital to our ability to provide information to LEAs concerning their monitoring results.
The purpose of this survey is to gather information and revise support for all districts in Texas. Any comments or concerns specific to your district should be sent directly to your school district personnel as specific concerns will not be forwarded from TEA to districts.
Confidentiality of Data
Your responses will only be reviewed internally to assist TEA with the monitoring process. The information you share is confidential to the extent permitted by law. Responses to the survey may be subject to public information requests in accordance with the Public Information Act. Texas Government Code, Chapter 552.
Participation or Withdrawal
Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may decline to answer any question and you have the right to withdraw from participation at any time.
Click on the link below to complete the survey:
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, or would like more information on resources listed within the survey, please contact the Texas Education Agency Review and Support division at reviewandsupport@tea.texas.gov.
Thank you.
Division of Review and Support Texas Education Agency reviewandsupport@tea.texas.gov