Early College High School
Written Lottery Procedures
Written admission policy and enrollment application
Written recruitment plan including a timeline of recruitment and enrollment events, and recruitment materials for distribution at feeder schools and other appropriate locations in the community
Brochures and marketing in Spanish, English, and/or other relevant language(s)
Written communication plan for targeting identified audiences, parents, community members, school board, higher education personnel, etc.
Final, signed, and executed MOU
ECHS/IHE leadership meeting agendas and minutes
School board and board of regents’ presentations
Description of each member and role in committee
Strategic Partnership Priorities
60 college credit hours crosswalk
Calendar of family outreach events
Professional learning community agendas and notes
Advisory/study skills curriculum material
Master schedules
Calendar of TSI test administration dates
Aggregate reports of TSI exam performance
Tutoring and bridge program schedules
Bridge program curriculum
Mentor/induction program plans
Annual training or professional development plan with ECHS and IHE faculty
ECHS leader/liaison meeting agendas and notes